Ffxiv Duty Roulette
For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Duty roulette questions'. If youre just looking at the duty finder screen, it'll always show level 16 as the minimum level to run the leveling roulette. However, it actually pulls randomly (and based on need) from any 4 person dungeon or story trial you have unlocked up to the current level of the class you que on.
- 3 Achievements Duty roulette is an activity that can be undertaken daily for rewards of Allagan Tomestones, Gil, and Grand Company Seals. Upon reaching the necessary level, a player may select a particular Duty Roulette section and be matched into an appropriate instance.
- Grind Duty Roulettes. Duty Roulettes are an amazing feature of FFXIV. Queuing for a Duty Roulette is basically the same as queuing for dungeons or trials, but with a twist. It will randomly select a dungeon or trial depending on which category you queued for. The Roulette is split into seven categories: Expert (Level 70 dungeon) Level 50/60.

The Duty Finder allows players to undertake multiplayer duties without having to form a party on their own. The Duty Finder can be accessed with the 'U' key or by selecting 'Duty Finder' under 'Duty' in the main menu. It is divided into several categories: Duty Roulette, Dungeons, Guildhests, Trials, Raids, PvP, and Gold Saucer.
- 2Participation requirements

Using the Duty Finder[edit edit source]
First, highlight a duty from the list and press the Join button to begin the matching process. A padlock icon indicates duty that cannot be accessed until the player has achieved certain requirements such as level, item level, or quest completion. Once registered, a player can view the duty's particulars, including party and server status by selecting Duty Finder from the duty list. When the party has been successfully formed, a confirmation prompt will appear.
Participation requirements[edit edit source]
The Duty Finder settings allow for setting special participation requirements.

Ffxiv Duty Roulette Normal Raids
Undersized party[edit edit source]
This option allows players to participate in duties without meeting the minimum party member requirements. With this option enabled:
- Level sync and item level sync are disabled and role requirements are ignored.
- Defeating enemies will yield no EXP or items.
- Only certain duties allow undersized parties.
- Only the party leader may select this setting.
Minimum IL[edit edit source]
This option item level syncs all gear to the duty's minimum requirement. With this option enabled:
Ffxiv Duty Roulette Leveling
- Can only be selected in a duty with party size requirement or when using an undersized party.
- Only the party leader may select this setting.
- When using an undersized party, player and item levels will be synced.
Loot rules[edit edit source]
When participating in an instanced duty with a preformed or an undersized party, the party leader can opt to employ either the Lootmaster or Greed Only loot rules. The current loot rule can be changed at any time within the Duty Finder settings, but only before a duty has commenced. Loot rules are void upon leaving an instance.
- Normal - The Need, Greed, Pass system is employed for all loot drops.
- Greed Only - All party members must select Greed.
- Lootmaster - The party leader determines individual loot distribution.
Duty roulette[edit edit source]
When using duty roulette, players will be assigned a random duty from among those that are unlocked. In return for leaving the destination in the hands of fate, players will receive enhanced rewards. Furthermore, should the player be an adventurer in need, filling a role that is in short supply, additional bonuses will be received.