Bedste Casino App
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If you’re looking for a casino app that offers extensive slots action, Slotomania is for you. From the developer Playtika, this casino app offers an incredible slots experience with classic slots, free video slots, and a rewards system that will constantly keep you excited and connected with the game. Find the Top 10 Casino Apps in 2020 - We review the best mobile online casino apps for your device. Learn how to install apps to get FREE welcome bonuses! Find the Top 10 Casino Apps in 2020 - We review the best mobile online casino apps for your device. Learn how to install apps to get FREE welcome bonuses!
Vores side handler om danske casino apps til mobile enheder som din mobiltelefon og tabletcomputer. Vi bestræber os på at anmelde og vurdere de casino apps som er tilgængelig i Danmark og Europa. Vi ønsker kun at anmelde de danske casino apps som er troværdige og som har et stort udvalg af spændende spil, spilleautomater og bonuskampagner.
Mange forbrugere foretrækker at anvende deres mobile enheder til at spille online. Fordelen er åbenlys – du behøver ikke at være “bundet” til en stationær computer og kontorstol. Du har altid din mobiltelefon eller tabletcomputer med på farten og kan f.eks. bruge en kedelig togtur til at spille online.
Sep 01, 2019 The 888 Casino app for iOS and Android devices is one of the most entertaining around. It offers 100+ different slot games, as well as roulette, blackjack and baccarat. The £88 no deposit welcome. In 2020, almost all top gambling sites offer Android casino games in some form or another. We've put together a shortlist for the best casino app Android users could hope to find, with real money.
Det er vores mission at finde og anmelde de bedste casino apps, så du ikke behøver at lede i blinde efter en troværdig online portal til casino spil. Vores tema af erfarne anmeldere har testet hver eneste casino app som er anmeldt på I vores anmeldelser kan du finde oplysninger om hvordan du downloader den pågældende app, samt hvilke mobile enheder du kan installere app’en på f.eks. Android, iOS, kompatible enheder og browsere osv.
Hver anmeldt casino app indeholder også informationer om hvilke betalingsmetoder som du kan benytte til indsatser og deponering. Vi lægger også vægt på sikkerhedsniveauet i vores anmeldelser, så du trygt kan vælge den casino app som matcher dine behov.
Unibet Casino App
Helt grundlæggende er Unibet Casino App en online spilplatform, som ikke kræver af spilleren, at han eller hun downloader appen. Unibet Casino App har over 90 funktioner med spil, der er er drevet af en kombination af forskellige softwareudbydere. Derudover understøttes alle iOS-, Android-, WP8-enheder.
LeoVegas Casino App
Der er ét populært valg inden for online casino – og det er LeoVegas. Det er der en god grund til, og den ligger i, at LeoVegas tilbyder nogle af de mest kendte mobile casinospil. Desuden tilbyder denne tjeneste og nogle generøse tilbud som gratis spin. Med LeoVegas får du mulighed for at spille spil fra NetEnt, NYX Interactive og Microgaming på din telefon, uanset om det er en iPhone eller en Android. Det er i den grad anbefalelsesværdigt.
ComeOn Casino App
ComeOn Casino App er designet til spillere, der kommer fra hele verden. Den tilbyder til mange forskellige smage, valutaer og sprog. Derudover kan du se frem til, at alle Android- og iOS-produkter understøttet, uden der er behov for, at du downloader, da det hele kan gøres i browseren. Sidst, men ikke mindst, så får alle nye kunder en flot bonus på 100% på op til £ 25.
Slots Magic App
Slots Magic App kører i en mobilbrowser på din Android-enhed. Derfor behøver du ikke at downloade og installere en app til din smartphone. Der er kun behov for, at du besøger Slots Magics mobiloptimerede hjemmeside, og herfra kan du tilføje appen til startskærm, så du hurtigt kan tilgå Slots Magic. Hvis du endnu ikke har en konto hos Slots Magic, så kan du tilmelde dig nemt ved at klikke på ’Deltag nu’, og så får du en fordel af 10 gratis spins. Du kvalificerer dig også til Slots Magic-bonus.
Hvordan fungerer casino apps?
Typisk er en casino app udviklet som en såkaldt “web app”. Det betyder, at du faktisk åbner app’en i din browser via et sikkert login. Derefter har du adgang til alle de spil som er knyttet til det casino du er kunde ved. Alt interaktion er via din browser og du downloader sjældent filer til din computer. Det smarte ved web apps er, at de altid er kompatible med de nyeste mobile enheder og tilpasser sig automatisk til din mobiltelefon eller tabletcomputer. Det gøres muligt via den nyeste HTML5-teknologi.
Så en casino app fungerer via din browser og har derfor det højeste niveau af sikkerhed eftersom det ikke er installeret på din computer. Hvis du ønsker at spille via en casino app, så er der nogle aspekter som du skal være opmærksom på:
– Hav altid den nyeste version af dit mobile styresystem installeret på din enhed (Android eller iOS)
– Tjek altid om den casino app du installerer, er troværdig. Vi anbefaler, at du læser vores anmeldelser af casino apps og derved undgå falske og bedrageriske apps.
– Overvej at have en antivirus- eller antimalware app installeret på din enhed. På den måde undgår du, at dine personlige oplysninger potentielt blive misbrugt.
Udover web apps, så tilbyder mange online casinoer deres egne apps. Fordelen ved at vælge disse apps, når de er tilgængelige, er at de er tilpasset enten din Android eller iOS (iPad og iPhone) enhed. Du finder de individuelle apps via Apple App Store eller Google Play Store – vores anmeldelser indeholder direkte links til portalerne, så du nemt kan downloade og installere disse apps på din mobile enhed.
Nogle online casinoer har ikke deres apps i Apple App Store eller Google Play Store. Sådanne apps kræver, at du downloader en såkaldt “.apk” installationsfil fra en fjernserver. Vi vil advare imod, at du downloader en .apk fil til din enhed. Du kan ikke vide om filen reelt er til installation af en casino app eller om filen måske er inficeret med malware og lign. Hold dig fra .apk filer medmindre du er sikker på, at filen bliver downloadet fra en sikker server.
Sådan vælger du en casino app
Når du skal vælge en casino app du kan installere på din mobile enhed og bruge til spil, så er der rigtigt mange at vælge imellem. Der er nogle aspekter som du skal være opmærksom på, så du kan identificere en sikker og troværdig casino app. Det vigtigste aspekt er at undersøge om den pågældende casino app er licenseret – at være licenseret betyder, at den pågældende casino app lever op til myndighedernes krav til sikkerhed, datapolitik og din garanti for at udbetaling af dine gevinster sker til tiden og helt korrekt.
Hvert land har sin spilmyndighed eller gambling kommission som udsteder licenser til online casinoer baseret på en lang række krav som skal være opfyldt før man kan drive online spilvirksomhed.
Udover at være et licenseret casino, så bør du som ny spiller altid tage et kritisk blik på de deponerings- og udbetalingsmetoder og politikker som er knyttet til en casino app. Udbetaling af gevinster er en central del af at spille casino spil og du bør derfor vælge en udbyder som f.eks. kan udbetale til din lokale bankkonto, PayPal, Trustly eller hvilke online betalingstjenester du er tryg ved.
Et sidste aspekt du bør undersøge, er udvalget af casino spil, spilleautomater, spilborde (ved poker, blackjack og andre kortspil) som den pågældende casino app tilbyder. Det kan også være relevant for dig at undersøge hvilke velkomsttilbud, bonusser og kampagner du kan forvente at modtage ved at blive kunde hos det pågældende casino.
Brug til valg af casino app
Her på hjælper vi dig med følgende:
– at vælge den casino app som matcher dine behov. Vi har anmeldt alle de populære og mest troværdige casino apps, så du nemt kan danne dig et overblik.
– at se hvilke mobile enheder du kan installere de anmeldte casino apps på.
– at se om en casino app er licenseret i Danmark eller det land du befinder dig i.
– at læse anmeldelser af specifikke casino spil og hvad sandsynligheden for gevinst er.
– et overblik over de kampagner, velkomstbonusser og tilbud som du kan forvente at modtage via den bestemt casino app.
Casino apps og free spins
Hvis du vælger at registrere dig som ny spiller via en casino app, så vil du normalt blive tilbudt en velkomstbonus. Denne velkomstbonus er ofte specifikt til et spil eller spilgenre. Ofte er der tale om såkaldte “free spins”, “bonus på indskud” eller en kombination af begge.
“Free spins” er et antal gratis spil på en udvalgt spilleautomat som ikke koster dig penge. Det er en måde at komme i gang på for nybegyndere som lige skal lære spillet at kende.
“Bonus på indskud” kan betegnes som en kontantbonus som du bliver tilbudt på dit første indskud. Det kan f.eks. være udformet, så du ved indskud af 100 Euro på din brugerkonto modtager en 100% indskudsbonus og dermed reelt set “får” 100 Euro oveni dit indskud fra det pågældende casino.
Når du vælger en velkomstbonus, så er den uafhængig af om du spiller via en casino app eller via en web app på din computer. Hvis der er tale om unikke velkomstbonusser som kun tilfalder f.eks. brugere af en casino app, så nævner vi det altid i vores anmeldelser.
Spilleautomater og spilanmeldelser
Vi anmelder casino spil og de spilleautomater som du bliver tilbudt via din casino app. Alle vores anmeldelser er på dansk og vi bestræber os på, at beskrive spillets indhold og genre, samt hvilken RTP (Retun To Player) rate spillet her. Vi viser også hvilke casino apps som tilbyder de specifikke spil, så du nemt kan komme i gang.
There are hundreds of mobile casino apps that are available for players on the market. This is why it can be quite difficult for them to make up their minds and select one casino app. This is why, since our aim is to help players and make their mobile gambling experience as easy and as smooth as possible, we came up with a list that contains some of the top casino apps in the industry. This list contains the names of these apps and a brief description of each and every one of them.
The Top 10 Ranked Mobile Casino Apps for Android and iPhone
Vegas Paradise
Every once a while, a new casino would make its entrance into the online gambling industry while claiming that it offers the best online gambling experience, but in time, most of them are proved wrong. This is because these online casinos usually have amateur management teams who have no experience in the online gambling industry, how it works and what players are looking for.
A Hot New Mobile Casino App from Vegas Paradise
This is exactly the opposite of what you can expect from this casino, Vegas Paradise. This is because the team behind the casino consists of online gambling veterans who have the needed experience in order to run a casino and lead it to the top of the lists with ease. The team has taken its time in order to study the gambling market of today, the players’ needs, the products on offer and everything else that will make them qualified to run the casino, attract players and lead the casino to become one of the best online casinos in the market. Free casino games for life are available to those with a free membership.
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In order for the casino to achieve great heights, the casino counts on Progress Play, which provides it with a lot of gaming titles from some of the best gaming developers. It also depends on bonuses and promotions in order to show its appreciation to its players and encourage them to sign up and stay at the casino.
Last but not least, the casino has unique offerings that players will surely enjoy. This includes the Live Casino game offering that gives players the chance to enjoy their favorite casino games through a live video feed where they can interact with real dealers as they place their bets on real tables. The other unique game offering that Vegas Paradise has is the mobile casino version which enables players to easily enjoy their favorite games on the go through their Smartphones wherever they are and whenever, so they no longer need to be seated in front of their computer to enjoy the casino.
The Gaming Content at Vegas Paradise
The gaming library on offer at the casino is mesmerizing as it manages to provide players with a wide array of games that can easily cover all kinds of gaming genres that players might be looking for. This is why the casino takes pride in its ability to satisfy the different gambling needs of players through its outstanding gaming collection.
This biggest category in this selection of games is “Slots”. These slots include 3D slots, ways to win slots, multi-pay lines slots, classic 3-reeled fruit machines, and jackpot slots. All of the games come packed with high paying line rewards as well as special features that can be quite lucrative. They are also offered to players in top-notch visuals and audio for an immersive experience like none other. The gaming titles on offer include High Society, Jurassic Park, Girls with Guns, Scary Friends, Immortal Romance, Avalon II, Tomb Raider: Secret of the Sword and Big Bad Wolf. Vegas Paradise lives up to its name by offering players a wonderful selection of Jackpot games, especially slots. These jackpot slots include 5-reeled and 3-reeled games such as Mega Moolah, Cash Splash, Fruit Fiesta, The Dark Knight Rises, Treasure Nile, Cashapillar and King Cashalot.
These games are all provided to the casino by Progress Play, which has access to several gaming developers including Microgaming (the name behind progress play), Genesis, Leander Games, and NextGen Gaming.
Promotions and Bonuses
Vegas Paradise has a lot to offer in terms of bonuses and promos, these bonuses begin from the moment players create their account and go on to make their first deposit at the casino. This 1st deposit is going to be matched by Vegas Paradise 100% with a limit of 200 credits. This means that when players make a deposit of 200 credits, they will be able to begin their gambling experience at the casino with 400 credits that they will be able to use to place bets on all of their favorite games and slots. There are other promos and bonuses, some of them are daily, some of them are weekly and some of them are one time offers. They can all be found under the promotions page at the casino.
T&C to all bonuses see here18+ Only
Customer Support
Players will be glad to know that they are being supported by a 24/7 customer support team that will help them deal with any problems they may have and help them answer any of their questions regarding bonuses, banking, games or anything else. The player can contact this team through email or the live chat feature.
Royal Panda
Royal Panda Casino made its entrance into the world of mobile gambling with the help of real players that wanted to make a difference in gaming. This is why players will enjoy a hassle-free mobile gaming experience through a very simple and user-friendly software and casino interface. Players will also enjoy a remarkable selection of NetEnt and Microgaming games. This includes table games like European Roulette Pro, Blackjack and others.
Players will also be able to take advantage of numerous promos and bonus offers that are dedicated to new players as well as loyal and existing ones such as the loyalty program and the regular competitions.
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Royal Panda Mobile Casino Review
Royal Panda was is powered by one of the biggest names in the online gambling industry, NetEnt. Players can either choose to create a new account for the mobile casino or they can log into the mobile casino with the same account that they use to access the online casino.
Royal Panda Mobile Casino is certainly a recommended mobile casino, as it knows how to satisfy its players and how to keep them happy. This includes a constantly updated supply of promos and offers as well as an outstanding selection of mobile casino games. On top of all that, players will find plenty of depositing and withdrawing options as well as a 24/7 customer support service.
The mobile casino is compatible with almost every smartphone and tablet out there. This is why iPhone players and Android players can enjoy this casino on the go, as well as Windows Phone users. Players will simply log in through their device’s browser and they will find the proper instant play games waiting for them.
Gaming Variety
The gaming selection at Royal Panda Mobile casino is simply unmatched at any other mobile casino. Players will find plenty of gaming categories that they can choose from. For instance, those who enjoy touching the screen to spin the reels of slot machines will find gaming titles from Net Ent and Microgaming. As for the card game fans, they will find Jacks or Better video poker and Blackjack. Other games include scratch cards and a European Roulette table.
Software and Graphics
The NetEnt powered software is pretty easy to understand and user-friendly. Players will easily use their fingers in order to swipe from one game to another or from one page to the next. Everything is also neatly set up and activated by the touch function so players can easily find whatever it is they are looking for without any hassle.
All of the games are provided courtesy of NetEnt and Microgaming. This is why players can expect to find games that are presented in wonderful visuals, outstanding sound effects and they all come packed with plenty of rewarding features and bonus rounds.
Customer Support
Just like the online casino, Royal Panda Mobile Casino players can take full advantage of a 24/7 customer support service. The team is professional, well-trained and very friendly. This is why players are always encouraged to contact support whether they are facing a big problem or if they just wish to ask a few questions to clarify anything up. The team is reachable through a variety of means including Live Chat and a support dedicated phone number.
All of the players’ banking needs can be handled with their mobiles. They will find a long list of depositing and withdrawing options so they can transfer money from and to the casino at any time. These methods include Neteller, Skrill, MasterCard, Click2Pay, and ClickandBuy among others.
Jackpot City
Jackpot City casino app is compatible with both, iPhones and Android devices. The software of the mobile casino app is powered by Microgaming which guarantees players a very fun experience that is presented in wonderful visuals and outstanding sounds.
The casino offers players a total of eleven casino games that cover different gambling genres. These games include Mega Moolah, the famous progressive slot machine, Mermaids Millions, Tomb Raider, Blackjack, and roulette as well as Royal Derby and Dragon Fortune. This is a real money casino app that has unlimited free casino games for members. Membership is free.
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Review of the Jackpot City Mobile Casino App
Jackpot City Mobile is a casino app that is developed by one of the biggest online casinos in the industry, Jackpot City. The game follows in the same footsteps of the online casino and this is why players can expect to enjoy a one of kind mobile gambling experience. This app lets players enjoy casino games for real cash or for free wherever they are and at any time through their mobiles.
Jackpot City casino launched the mobile app in 2009 and over the course of the last 4 years, it has added plenty of new games to the content to keep it updated and fresh. The games are powered by none other than Microgaming, the same developer behind the online casino and they run on the mobile gaming software of Spin3.
Just like the casino, the mobile casino app is examined and audited by the eCOGRA, which guarantees players a safe and secure gaming experience on their mobiles.
Gaming Variety
So far, Jackpot City Mobile Casino offers its players a total sum of 17 casino games that cover different types of casino games. This includes slots, table games, video poker, and bingo.
Slot fans can join Lara Croft in her adventures around the world through the 5 reeled video slot Tomb Raider or they can rub shoulders with the gods of the Norse on Thunderstruck. Players can also enjoy placing bets at progressive video slot machines such as Mermaids Millions, Major Millions and the Mega Moolah. The last game, The Mega Moolah, is known for creating plenty of millionaires through mobile and online casino platforms. In fact, it has given away the highest mobile progressive win in history, which was over 7 million Euros.
Of course, it is not all about slots as table fans will be able to enjoy roulette and card games’ players will find a Blackjack variant. Other games include Bingo Bonanza (single player bingo game), Royal Derby (Virtual Racing) and Jacks or Better (Video Poker).
Software and Graphics
The visuals are of outstanding quality; this includes the interface of the mobile casino as well as the games. The game’s graphics easily immerses players into the theme of the game, which enables them to enjoy quite an engaging gambling experience that they cannot find anywhere else. Players will also be pleased with the ease of use of the casino as everything is set up in a way to make it easy for them to find the games they want.
Customer Support
The mobile casino players can get in touch with a 24/7 customer support service team that can be contacted through a variety of means including Phone, Live Chat, Fax, and Email. The team is well trained, patient and resourceful. This is why they are able to solve any issues and answer any questions that players may have regarding any aspect of the Jackpot City Mobile Casino app.
Players from around the world will find different banking options through which they can handle their deposits and withdrawal from and to the casino.
Jackpot Paradise
Jackpot Paradise is a new name in the online gambling world and despite that fact, the casino has managed to attract thousands of players who consider this casino to be their one and only gambling venue.
They have made that decision due to many reasons. The first one is the high-quality experience that players can expect to find whenever they decide to play at any game at the casino. This is a casino app that has unlimited free credit games for members. Membership is free.
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Jackpot Paradise Mobile Casino App
This high-quality experience is backed by one of the biggest names in the online gambling industry, which is Microgaming, through Progress Play. Progress Play is a prominent name in the industry as it provides its casino clients with plenty of gaming titles from some of the best gaming developers on the market such as Microgaming, Genesis, NextGen Gaming and Leander Games. All of these games are of high-quality graphics, sounds, and rewarding features. All of this results in creating a highly entertaining gaming experience that is fun and rewarding at the same time.
Jackpot Paradise has earned all of the needed credentials so it can operate online legally through the Maltese Government’s LGA (Lotteries and Gambling authority). The LGA is one of the most respected and well-reputed authorities in the industry that has issued plenty of licenses to many top online casinos around the world. This license ensures players that Jackpot Paradise abides by all of the laws and the highest standards in the online gambling industry. The casino also implements state of the art technologies and advanced encryption systems in order to protect the player’s banking data and personal information so players can feel safe whenever they are providing the casino with any information knowing that it will be kept safe and private.
Promotional Offers and Bonuses
Jackpot Paradise does not suffer from any shortage in the promotions and bonuses department. This is because the online casino has plenty of promos and bonus offers that it has in store for players from the moment they decide to join the ranks of the casino and create an account and throughout their stay.
The first of these promos is the welcome bonus that the casino uses in order to welcome new players into the casino. This welcome bonus is a 100% match deposit bonus that is only applicable to the initial deposit that they make at the casino through any of the banking means that the casino supports. This deposit is going to be matched by the casino with a maximum of 200 credits. So for players who decide to take advantage of this bonus to the fullest and make a deposit of 200, they will be able to initiate their experience at the casino with the sum of 400 credits. The casino hosts other promos and offers that players can claim throughout their stays such as the Monday Madness offer, Slot of the Day and the Weekly Bonus offer. There T&C to all bonuses see here18+ Only
The Gaming Portfolio
The gaming library is rich with a lot of games that come from the gaming portfolio of several gaming developers including some of the biggest names in the industry, all through Microgaming powered Progress Play. The gaming library is home to all kinds of games, and this includes Slot machines.
The slot machine gaming category is home to hundreds of machines that cover all types of these machines. This includes ways to win slots (up to 1024), multi-pay lined video slots, 3D slots, 3-reeled classic fruit machines and more. The gaming titles on offer include some of the popular games amongst online players such as Tomb Raider, Avalon, The Dark Knight Rises, Girls with Guns, Scary Friends, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck II and Arctic Fortune.
Apart from these titles, the casino hosts a rich selection of jackpot games that have high rewards waiting for lucky players who will trigger the jackpot. These games include Mega Moolah, Treasure Nile, the 5-reeled and the 3-reeled versions of Fruit Fiesta, Cash Splash, and King Cashalot.
Live Casino and Mobile Gaming
These are two unique game offerings, the first one, the Live Casino offering gives players the ability to enjoy the authentic Las Vegas experience as they sit in the comfort of their own home by placing bets on real tables through a live video feed. As for mobile gaming, it gives players the chance to carry their casino with them at all times so they can enjoy their favored games anytime and anywhere as long as they have in internet connection and their smartphones with them.

Gaming Club
Gaming Club is yet another casino app that is provided with games and software by Microgaming. Since the mobile casino app is powered by Microgaming, players are guaranteed a smooth experience through a user-friendly interface.
Players can easily get the Android or the iPhone casino app of Gaming Club by simply opening Gaming Club through their mobile’s browser and by following simple steps that can be found there. They can download the app and then they can start placing wagers on their favorite casino games in no time. Players can create a new account for their mobile gaming experience or they can use their existing Gaming Club account and password.
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Discover the Gaming Club Mobile Casino App with This Review
Gaming Club made its debut in the mobile gaming one year ago in 2012, of course, since the casino app is managed and ran by Gaming Club, which is one of the leading names in the industry, it quickly became one of the favored mobile casino apps among many players.
Another thing that made this casino app quite popular is its compatibility as the developers wanted to make sure that everyone can get to enjoy it. This is why it is compatible with Blackberry phones, iPads, Android-powered devices, and iPhones. Therefore, basically any player who has a Smartphone will be able to enjoy this wonderful casino app.
Apart from its compatibility, Gaming Club Mobile casino has all of the elements that mobile players would look for in a casino app. It has a great selection of games that covers all kinds of casino games, a user-friendly interface, high-quality visuals and plenty of banking options. It also has a 24/7 customer support team. All of this provides players with an immersive Las Vegas experience that they can enjoy on their mobile devices.
Gaming Variety
All of the games available to players on the casino app are quite varied, this is why regardless of your gambling taste, you will surely find something to your liking at Gaming Club casino app. These games cover table games, card games, slots, progressive games, virtual racing games, bingo, and video poker. There are a total of eleven games on offer.
These 11 games include gaming titles such as Tomb Raider and Thunderstruck as well as progressive pokies such as Mega Moolah and Mermaids Millions. As for table games, players will find mobile baccarat sand roulette. Other gaming titles include Royal Derby, Jacks or Better, Bingo Bonanza and blackjack.
Software and Graphics
The user-friendliness of the software provides players with the most enjoyable mobile gaming experience. This is because players can easily swipe their fingers on the screen in order to go from one game to another, and all of the games have been optimized to work perfectly with any Smartphone and through the touch function.
The visuals are certainly one of the reasons that encourage players to choose this app, from the colorful and bright colors of the slots to the subtle and classy visuals of the roulette wheel and the blackjack table.
Customer Support
Bedste Casino Apps
Whenever players face any issues during their stay at the mobile casino, they can easily get in touch with the customer support team. The team will help them resolve any issues through a Live Chat feature, phone or email. The team is quite knowledgeable about everything that needs to be known about the casino, this is why they are certainly qualified to help players deal with anything.
Players who are looking forward to embarking on a mobile gambling journey at Gaming Club Mobile casino will find plenty of depositing options that they can choose from such as Master Card, Visa Card, Paypal, Moneybookers, and Neteller. The same goes for players who are looking forward to withdrawing their earned winnings.
Party Casino
Party Casino mobile casino app is unique as it is powered by the in-house development team of Party Gaming. This casino app enables players to enjoy the wide array of casino games that are provided by Party Casino through their mobile devices, whether iOS powered or Android-powered. Players can either use the QR code that can be found on the mobile page of the casino to get the app or they can open the casino’s website through the internet browser to download it. The website will automatically detect the phone type and model and it will promote the suitable casino app.
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Party Casino Mobile Review
Party Casino is certainly one of the giants of the gambling industry and it is one of the rare online casinos that run on their in-house development gaming platform. This allows it to optimize its performance in order to fit the needs of its players.
PartyCasino does not restrict the excitement and fun to online casino fans who like to enjoy the experience through their PCs or laptops as the casino has quickly caught on with the demand on mobile gaming and released its own mobile app. This app gives players from around the world the chance to take PartyCasino with them whenever they go as long as they have a Smartphone and a stable internet connection. Players do not need to worry about the compatibility of their device as PartyCasino mobile is compatible with almost every Smartphone out there including iOS powered devices, Blackberries and Androids among others.
The in house platform and the great variety of games plus the promotions offered at Party Casino Mobile gave the casino the ability to provide an astonishing mobile gaming experience. When it comes to gambling and partying, no other casino app can come close to the excitement and the lively vibes that PartyCasino mobile can bring. This is why the mobile casino app is favored by millions of players in the UK and from around the world.
Gaming Variety
Mobile players will have the chance to enjoy placing real money bets on a unique selection of games at PartyCasino. The operator carefully chose some of its top games to offer to its players through the mobile channel. This includes the all-time favorite progressive video slot that can only be found at PartyCasino, this game is none other than Melon Madness. It is a game that creates millionaires.
Besides Melon Madness and other video slots such as The Amazing Spiderman and Thor, players can also find plenty of video poker games and table games in order to satisfy the varying needs of the mobile fans. This includes Blackjack, Roulette and video poker variants.
Software and Graphics
An exquisite gaming experience with flashy bright lights is what players can expect to find at PartyCasino Mobile. The casino is optimized to work perfectly through the touch function so players will not find it hard to go from one game to the next or view different tabs by a simple swipe of their finger. PartyCasino certainly gets points for its user-friendly platform and astonishing visuals.
Customer Support
PartyCasino players, whether they enjoy the casino through its online or mobile platform, will be able to seek the help of a professional support team that is available around the clock. The team is quite helpful and can aid players deal with whatever issues they are facing.
By simply clicking on the Banking tab, players will be introduced to the wide array of depositing or withdrawing options that they can choose from to handle their banking needs. These methods include Skrill, UKash, Neteller, Western Union, PaySafeCard, MasterCard and Bank Wire Transfer among others. They are all safe and encrypted so players do not have to worry about the safety of their banking information and personal data.
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Royal Vegas
Royal Vegas is a well accredited and a highly successful casino, this is why it decided to take its success to new heights by making its debut in the world of mobile gaming. It achieved that with its release of the Royal Vegas casino app. The registration at this mobile casino app is very easy and simple. This casino app provides players with plenty of rewarding promotions and bonuses.
Apart from the bonuses, the casino offers players a rich gaming content that has the power of Microgaming behind it. This gaming content is home to a wide array of games such as slots, roulette, blackjack, and craps to mention a few.
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Royal Vegas Mobile Casino
Royal Vegas casino gives players the chance to enjoy the exclusive and entraining world of gaming through their mobiles through its Mobile Casino. This way, they can experience the thrill of gaming and the excitement from anywhere as long as they have their smartphone with them. Speaking of Smartphones, the mobile casino is compatible with the following devices:
Tablets: Players can access the mobile casino through their Android tablets, Blackberry tablets and iPads.
Smartphone devices: Players can access it through any mobile phone that runs on an Android or an iOS operating system as well as blackberries.
Other Devices: Players can also access it if they are using a Symbian or a Java-based mobile phone such as Sony Ericsson, Motorola and Nokia.
All what players have to do is register an account at Royal Vegas Mobile, such process is easy and quick, then players can choose any of the banking options to make a deposit and they will be ready to start enjoying the wide array of games on offer at Royal Vegas Mobile. During that stay, they can also get in touch with a 24/7 customer support team to get any issues addressed.
Gaming Variety
There is no shortage of games at Royal Vegas Mobile; this is because the casino has plenty of games, a total of 19 games. These nineteen games have a diverse nature and this is why players who have different gambling tastes will find something to their liking.
Starting with the slot fans, they will enjoy a wide array of 3-reeled and 5-reeled games. The gaming titles include Thunderstruck, Tomb Raider, Avalon, and Fruit Fiesta. There are also a number of progressive jackpot games including The Mega Moolah, Mermaids Millions and Major Millions.
Players who are here for the card games will find plenty of gaming titles such as Blackjack, 3 Card Poker and baccarat. There are also table games including Keno, Craps and roulette. The fun does not stop here as the mobile casino has other games as well such as Royal Derby, the virtual racing game, Scratch n Score and Scratch Card.
Software and Graphics
The software is powered by the same developer behind the online casino, Microgaming, which is one of the innovative online and mobile casino gaming and software developers in the business. This means that players can expect to enjoy stunning animation, superior functionality, ease of use and vivid audio effects.
Customer Support
The customer support team members at Royal Vegas Mobile casino are committed to give players the best possible service. These representatives are here to answer your questions and help you with any issues 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. So if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact them. They are reachable through a Skype call, Email, Phone and Live Chat.
Royal Vegas Mobile supports many banking methods. Some of the favored methods that are used by Royal Casino players are EcoCard, Skrill, Neteller, ClickandBuy and UKash.
Lucky Nugget
Lucky Nugget is a well-reputed casino that has been in the internet gambling industry for more than 10 years. This is why it did not come as a surprise when it decided to take its success up a notch by releasing its own casino app. This casino app is compatible with iOS devices such as iPhones as well as android powered devices.
Lucky Nugget made sure to pick its finest Microgaming games to offer them through the mobile channel. This includes progressive jackpot slot machines such as Mermaids Millions. Other gaming titles include blackjack, roulette, Tomb Raider and Thunderstruck.
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Lucky Nugget Mobile Casino
Lucky Nugget Mobile casino descends from one of the most successful online casinos, The Lucky Nugget, which was founded in 1998. Due to the popularity of mobile gaming, the developers behind The Lucky Nugget has blessed the mobile gaming scene with a mobile casino app that is compatible with iPads, iPhones, Android phones and other smartphones / operating systems.

This app-enabled The Lucky Nugget casino to expand its reach to reach the mobile players giving them the ability to enjoy many mobile casino games on the go, without having to be sitting in front of a computer or a laptop. In order to make this a reality, the casino relied once again on one of the biggest names in the industry and the same software developer that powers its online casino, Microgaming. It also relied on Spin3 Technology in order to make the mobile gaming experience as compatible as possible.
The reason that this mobile app became highly popular among mobile players from around the world is the fact that it made sure to provide them with all of the features and aspects of the online casino, because they were the reason behind its success. This way, players can expect to find the same top-notch gaming experience that they enjoyed at the online casino.
Gaming Variety
Lucky Nugget Mobile caters to the different tastes of new players as well as professional ones. The mobile casino is proud to offer players a wide array of games, a total of 22 titles. These gaming titles include slots like Avalon, Couch Potato, Thunderstruck, Break Da Bank and Tomb Raider accompanied by a progressive jackpot game, Mermaids Millions.
The mobile casino also offers players card games like Jacks or Better, Double Double Bonus Poker and Classic Blackjack as well as Roulette tables.
Software and Graphics
The mobile app is a small mobile file that can be downloaded to the device rather quickly, and in no time, players will be able to use the internet connection, whether through Wi-Fi or 3G in order to start playing at the casino.
Customer Support

Whether you are having problems with the deposit, or want to know more about the promotions that the mobile casino offers, customer support is always the answer. This service is available around the clock and it is reachable through a long list of communication means.
Technology has certainly come a long way, as now players can enjoy casino games through their mobiles, that is not all, as players can now also make deposits and handle withdrawals from their mobiles. This is because The Lucky Nugget mobile casino implements state of the art encryption and security systems to ensure players the safety of their money and their provided data.
The available banking options include most credit card brands such as Visa Card and MasterCard. They also include e-wallets and advanced payment methods like Skrill, Neteller, EcoCard, Click2Pay, InstaDebit, and Clickandbuy to name a few.
Mr Green
Mr. Green casino app delivers the same unique and diverse gambling experience that players enjoyed and loved at the online casino. This experience has plenty of big names behind it such as IGT, Betsoft Gaming, Microgaming and Net Entertainment. This is why players will find a great range of casino games of a varied nature.
Apart from the high-quality gaming content that Mr. Green offers, there are plenty of promotions and bonus offers waiting for mobile players. They will start claiming these bonuses from the moment they sign up as well as during their gambling experience.
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Mr. Green Mobile Casino Review
Mr. Green online casino made its debut in 2008 but it quickly built itself a reputation as brand that respects the needs of its clients. It achieved that by catching up with all of the new trends in the gaming industry as well as its own innovative offerings. This is why as soon as mobile gaming became available, Mr. Green casino was quick to launch its own mobile casino app. This app gave players the chance to enjoy the great selection of casino games through their mobiles. Of course, this app is quite compatible with all mobile devices out there, whether tablets or smartphones, regardless of their operating system and brand. This is why Mr. Green is available for anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection.
The compatibility is not only about the operating system as it is about the screen size as well, and Mr. Green, being the innovative gambling operator it is, it has optimized all of its games to work perfectly well on different devices, no matter how big or how small the screen is.
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Gaming Variety
Mr. Green is a unique mobile casino, this is because the gaming content that is offered is not powered by one single gaming developer like most online and mobile casinos but instead, it is powered by some of the biggest names in the industry. This includes IGT (International Game Technology), Betsoft Gaming, Playtech and Microgaming among others. This results in a rich and a varied gaming library that has a wide selection of games that can’t be found under the same roof at any other mobile casino. There are literally hundreds of games available at the mobile casino.
This gaming library covers plenty of gaming genres including slot machines such as Gonzo’s Quest, the newly released “The Dark Knight Rises”, Jack and the Beanstalk and South Park. As for table games, there is more than one roulette version including French Roulette, European Roulette and American Roulette as well as other advanced versions such as Multi Wheel Roulette. When it comes to card games, there are plenty of titles such as Blackjack, Multi-hand Blackjack and many video poker versions. The bottom line, whatever it is you like to play, you will find it at Mr. Green Mobile casino.
Software and Graphics
The software is user-friendly, smooth and simple. This is why players can easily go through the mobile casino’s tabs and pages with a simple swipe of their finger. The visuals of the games are outstanding, which is not a surprise since the games are provided to Mr. Green mobile casino by some of the leading names in the gaming development industry.
Customer Support
Whenever you face any problem or something you do not understand while enjoying your mobile gaming experience, you will find a 24-hour available support team ready to answer all of your questions.
Mr. Green Mobile casino is all about convenience, this is why when it comes to handling your banking needs, you will be offered plenty of methods through which you can settle payments to the casino or withdrawals from it. These methods include Entro Pay, InstaBank, Neteller, Visa Card, Skrill, PaySafeCard and MasterCard.
InterCasino (Closed)
InterCasino app gives players the chance to enjoy a wide array of InterCasino games through their mobiles. This way, they do not have to be at home in front of their laptop screen or computer anymore. Players are guaranteed to find the same high-quality gambling experience that they enjoy at the online casino.
This includes the high-quality gaming content, the friendly customer support service that is available 24/7, lucrative welcome bonuses and regular promotions and so on. Players can enjoy the InterCasino app by simply downloading it from the website of InterCasino. It is a simple and a quick process that takes merely a couple of minutes.
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InterCasino Mobile
Whether you are a veteran player in the online gambling world or a newcomer, there is a big chance that you have already heard of InterCasino. This Cryptologic online casino has released its own mobile casino app, which allows players to enjoy InterCasino games on the go through their mobile devices. Just like its parent online casino, the mobile casino offers a versatile catalog of mobile casino games that are offered to players through a user-friendly interface with a sleek design.
InterCasino mobile app offers players a pretty rewarding welcome bonus besides other regular promos that players can enjoy throughout their stay at the casino. On top of all of that, players will also engage in a highly lucrative loyalty program where they will collect loyalty points by placing wagers.
The casino is regulated and licensed by the jurisdiction of Malta, one of the well-accredited licensing authorities in the industry. Apart from that, the mobile casino, like its parent online casino, is audited regularly to ensure players a safe and a fair mobile gaming environment. The app is highly compatible with iPhones, iPads, Android devices, Blackberries and more.
Gaming Variety
The gaming variety at InterCasino Mobile is unparalleled. Players will find a long list of hard to find Cryptologic games. These games include table games such as roulette, craps and baccarat as well as card games like Blackjack and video poker machines.
On top of these games, players will surely enjoy the wide array of video slots and classic 3-reeled slots. For example, InterCasino has a great selection of Marvel branded video slots such the Hulk, The Avengers, Iron Man and Captain America.
There is no shortage of games and variety at InterCasino, this is why you will certainly find something to your liking on the mobile casino app.
Software and Graphics
The software is also powered by Cryptologic, which is perfect for the mobile platform. The software is pretty simple and quite easy to grasp. In only a few seconds, players will be able to know how to find the games and how to play them. All of that is done with a couple of finger swipes on their device’s touchscreen.
The interface, besides its user-friendliness, is of high-quality graphics, same goes for the mobile casino games as their crystal clear visuals and amazing audio effects make for an overall engaging mobile gaming experience.
Customer Support
InterCasino’s support service is available for its online players and mobile players. They are there, at any given time willing to answer any questions and help players resolve any issues that they might be facing. They are reachable through a long list of phone numbers, some of them are toll-free, email and live chat.
As a mobile player, you would want to deposit funds to your account so you can enjoy the mobile games and you will also need to withdraw the winnings. InterCasino offers a rich list of banking options. These options include MasterCard, Neteller, Diner’s Club and Doli and others.