Chris Meyers Poker

Chris Myers – Partner. 10 year NFL vet, Chris Myers, ruled the offensive line as the Houston Texans Pro Bowl Center. However, after retiring in 2016, it has been his heart that keeps him in the limelight. Chris regularly participates and supports non-profits around the nation, doing what he can to help elevate their efforts and amplify their. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jimmy and Chris Evans compete in an icy twist on blackjack, where the loser of each round gets a pitcher of ice water funneled into their pants by the winner. Chris Meyers Triples Up; Bruce Kramer Stays Alive Main Tour WPT Borgata Winter Poker Open Season 2017-2018 2 100/400-800. Other poker tournaments. On the World Poker Tour, Moneymaker finished second at the 2004 Shooting Stars event and won $200,000. During Event 5 of the 2008 World Championship of Online Poker, which was a $10,300 buy-in of No Limit Hold'em, Moneymaker finished in sixth place, taking home over $139,000. He also did well in Event 16, the $215 Pot.

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With the elimination of Mark Milburn in 5th place the pace of play began to come to a crawl. The players agreed to take a moment and discuss and adjusted payout deal.

It didn’t take long for them to come to an agreement and chip leader Tommy Tomasello will take home $13,000 and his first Pittsburgh Poker Open title. Dolphy Garricks will take second place for $12,331 and Chris Meyers rounds out the top thre with $11,830.

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Chris Meyers Poker

A short stacked Robine Elias takes fourth and $5,834. This concludes our PPO Main Event coverage and all of the winners are listed below.

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Chris Meyers Poker Player


Chris Myers Broadcaster

1st Place: Tommy Tomasello-$13,000+PPO trophy
2nd Place: Dolphy Garricks- $12,331
3rd Place: Chris Meyers- $11,830
4th Place: Robine Elias- $5,834
5th Place: Mark Milburn- $3,791
6th Place: Budwey Salhab- $2,978
7th Place: Jake Seung- $2,437
8th Place: Jonathan Love- $1,949